Curtis Rusenstrom

Web Developer / Designer

Check out my projects

About section

My name is Curtis Rusenstrom and I recently grauduated from College CDI's web development program. I am eager to learn and work with fellow developers to sharpen my skills and help others make their mark on the internet.
I currently operate in html, css, javascript, JSON. I am open to learning and excited to better my understanding in these languages and many new ones.
My current hobbies include gaming, designing, and game making. I enjoy working on my own and with others and look forward to getting into the scene in a more professional setting.

Auto Source

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Auto Source

This is a responsive mock-up website for a car dealership. It features a custom search bar and mobile navigation.

Technologies used:




Product sorting

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Product sorting

A basic product showcasing JSON with a search bar. Users can enter anything into the search. If a product matches the search terms the product will appear.

Technologies used:




To-Do list

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To-Do list

Simple to-do list made in javascript. Type in the input box to add it to the list. Items will be saved upon refresh.

Technologies used:




Some design work

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